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Moving Buddypress

  • @pbarthmaier


    I had Buddypress running on the main site of a Multisite install and tried to move it to a subdomain on the network. The Activity Stream doesn’t work and the Members page has problems in that it finds the members, but you can’t click on any of them. Clicking on the profile or activity stream takes you to the homepage of the subdomain.

    For background, I’m running:

    Wordpress 3.4.1
    Buddypress 1.5.6
    Apache version 2.2.22
    PHP version 5.2.17
    MySQL version 5.5.23-55
    Dedicated IP address on shared hosting

    htaccess =
    wp-config =

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  • @djpaul


    Not heard of many people trying to move it. Hopefully we can figure out a few things and document it on for the future.

    1) If you haven’t already, you’ll need to set BP_ROOT_BLOG in your wp-config.php (see

    2) All and any links inside activity stream items are hardcoded, so you would need to adjust by editing the appropriate records in the wp_bp_activity table in the database.

    3) You’ll need to go to the site which you’ll be using as the main BuddyPress site, and create new Pages in the WordPress admin. Afterwards, also in the WordPress admin area, go to the BuddyPress > Pages screen, and pick your newly created pages from the dropdown boxes alongside the list of components which you have active.

    You may already have done this, but this is what I think of first.



    The original post has my htaccess and wp-config, which shows that I have the BP_Root specified. I’ve editing all of the links in the Activity table. Pages have been done, but still issue persists, with no changes.



    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, true);
    $base = ‘/’;
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’);
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’);
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 105 );
    define( ‘SUNRISE’, ‘on’ );

    Buddypress site is I’ve changed all of the links in wp_bp_activity to reflect this, but still, no activity shows.



    Aha! It seems that I had deleted the original Activity page, but didn’t empty the trash, so I created a conflict, no matter what I set as the Activity Stream page in the Buddypress admin settings, it knew that there was something in that trash, I guess, that it was originally pointing to?!?



    Ummmm,. sorry for the message of good news. The Activity Stream isn’t right yet, either.



    So where I stand, Activity Stream only works if I DON’t have the correct page selected. That is, if I set it to Activity, and then try to open that page, it will redirect to home. If I set it to Actividad, and then go to Activity, the Activity Stream is there. Members still has the same problem. Going to the Members page works, but clicking on a profile redirects to Home.



    And to be clear, I’m using BP-Default for this testing, although it’s not the theme I plan to use.



    Further, if I can get to the Activity Stream and I try to post something, nothing gets posted and the page redirects to home.

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