Update: I have tried as many methods found in this Support Forum including bp-custom.php, functions.php, different wp-config.php options.
The one that worked for us is via a wp-config.php modification with code from @boonebgorges here: buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4252
// This assumes that the blog in question is #1. If it's not, the path will
// have blogs.dir in it
define( 'BP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH', '/var/www/html/example/wp-content/uploads' );
// Again, assuming you're coming from #1. To pull from a different blog,
// it'll be example.com/secondaryblog/files or something like that
define( 'BP_AVATAR_URL', 'http://example.com/wp-content/uploads' );
Also wanted to share that if we add bp-custom.php and add various fixes suggested by others it results in a fatal error with a call to undefined bp_core… perhaps there is a different issue causing other fixes to not work for us… Open to try other suggestions but so far so good with fix above.
Much appreciated @eskamediawork!
Btw, the option provided in your link works really well especially if you have a subscription to WPMU to ensure the plugin receives updates through their membership.
And just in case for those looking for a non-plugin option, hope the wp-config option works well too.
Thx for the suggestion!