It’s crazy, but I’ve been working on this too !
Are you syndicating posts already? Let me know what your current set up looks like and I’ll be happy to share my code with you.
@skysarwer thanks for responding.. acthully my website is in devlopment in localhost. acthully this is a big project and im only one who is working on it so i choosed localhost for devlopment. btw if you want then i can share screenshots with you on social media or on other platform.
3 years, 5 months ago
Hi there can you please tell me how we can sync users comments from all subsite to main site
Example:- ( my buddypress profile with youzify comment tab) ( my comment here on Hello world blog post ) and I want to sync this comment to my main website or user profile tab..
This is possible?
Thanks in advance 😊