What is “My accaunt”? Does it come from a plugin?
I have marked it on picture.
Small icon with profile picture and profile options…
Can it be in menu or in header?
Thanks but that isnt what Im looking for.
I would like to have this in menu. Look at screen shoot.

Howdy [username] is part of WordPress Toolbar. When BP is activated, it add a sub-menu to this menu.
If you want it elswhere, it’s not really possible as the BP part of it was written to go to the admin_bar only.
To get a similar menu, you simply add buddypress menu to your theme main menu (explained on above codex link). But this menu will be static and you cant get same details.
Another solution is to recode that menu, so you can add it with a filter function to wp_nav_menu, which handles the main menu or the header menu.
To do this, you can use a new Walker Class extention or the existing filter. Possibly also some other ways to do this, but i don’t know them.
To remove the Howdy menu and the attached BuddyPress Profile sub menu from the Toolbar, you can use this snippet (in functions.php or bp-custom.php):
function bpfr_remove_my_account_menu() {
global $wp_admin_bar;
add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'bpfr_remove_my_account_menu' );
Codex References