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Need to be pointed in right direction – custom buttons etc

  • @thecount


    Hi everyone. I am not a BP expert by any means, however, I’m persistent at noodling until I get it right. I am now trying to add some custom buttons like the ones they use right here on this site (instead of the plain links) for follow, add friend etc. I have searched on this forum and elsewhere and could not find anything specific and/ or that I recognized. Just need to be pointed in the right direction. BTW, I use my own theme so please keep that in mind. look at my rather plain bp pages here:

    THANKS!! :D

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  • First install Firebug in Firefox:

    Then use it to view the css you want to copy, then adjust your css accordingly.

    BTW: The buttons used on this site are created in part by css3 (roundness) . CSS3 does not work in any version of Internet Explorer.

    Also make sure to add all the browser selectors (-moz, -webkit, etc) as a precautionary step due to the young age of these CSS3 properties. This will insure it will look correct in all browsers (except of course IE).

    For example, in Firebug the css may look like this:

    a.button, input.button, div.generic-button a {
    -moz-border-radius:13px 13px 13px 13px;

    But you will need to add the other selector so it looks like this:

    a.button, input.button, div.generic-button a {
    -moz-border-radius:13px 13px 13px 13px;
    -webkit-border-radius:13px 13px 13px 13px;
    border-radius:13px 13px 13px 13px;



    hey I looked in firefox and I see some css that looks like what you’re talking about, however, when I go in to my wordpress css file, I don’t see that code. Where is this BP css file normally located, I’ve looked everywhere.

    Thanks for your help!!!



    hey I think figured out that this css should be configurable within bp-default/_inc/default.css. I believe narrowed it down the lack of buttons of any kind to the default.css not loading. Can you tell me why this css is not loading? I think if I can get that to load it may dramatically improve the look and feel, giving me some buttons.


    It’s not loading because you are not using the default theme.



    oh snap. Even the littlest hints are greatly helpful! I am using “BuddyPress Theme Compatibility” but still not getting style I want. Any ideas on how or what I could do to get this looking cooler? short of building another theme?

    Thanks Dennis!

    I see you are using the BuddyPress Template Pack. That just adds the BP templates and files (php). You still need to style your custom theme. Adding the default css would be defeating the purpose behind the BuddyPress Template Pack. The whole idea is that it is for custom styles.

    You basically have 3 choices.

    1. Manually add the styles you want to your custom theme.

    2. Use the default theme and modify it to your liking.

    3. Find another theme:

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