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New Blogs have weird URL.

  • Hello all. I am testing a potential buddypress install for my job at (my testing domain). I have a central blog, I have test users, but any time a user tries to add a blog, the url comes up strange. For instance, if I wanted to have the blog be, it would come up http://www.fortkickass.infofortkickass_info_1thing/, which of course breaks the blog. Any reason why this would happen? any fix? Thanks!

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  • Boone Gorges


    Try creating a new blog from Dashboard > Super Admin > Sites to see if the problem happens there too. At least that way you can narrow down whether it’s a BP issue.

    Just made another one in the superadmin>sites menu. No dice – same error, same URL problem.

    Boone Gorges


    Try deactivating BuddyPress and creating another one through the Dashboard.

    …Hey Boone! It’s Alex. Man, why didn’t I just email you like a regular person.

    Boone Gorges


    I know it’s Alex :) Better to do this on the forums so that others can benefit from whatever Wisdom We Uncovere.

    No Buddypress, same issue. I suppose I’ll check out the wordpress forums, thank you!

    Interesting enough: fort_kickass_1 happens to be my database. What could the error be?

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