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new Bug in 1.2? Activity Streams must be on to have RecentSitewidePosts widget

  • @lostdeviant


    After upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2 I was shocked to discover that my recent sitewide posts widget was missing. After turning on “activity Streams” the option appears in the widget list on the widget page, but WHY????

    That functionality should be enabled with “Blog Tracking” like it was before.

    Once I enable “activity streams” (which I DON’T want), and add the widget, I see “Sorry, there were no blog posts found. Why not write one?” even though the main blog has posts and there are posts in blogs by other users.

    I’m not very happy with the new default theme either. I feel like Buddypress is taking a big step back in terms of theme and home page options.

    BP 1.2 and WP MU

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  • Inactive

    I just discovered the “bug” 30 minutes ago. I’m not sure if it’s a bug yet, or an “upgrade”.

    In Buddypress 1.2 /buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blog-templatetags, all functions related to blog posting have been removed. They exist in Buddypress 1.1 and 1.0 but I don’t know why they are removed.

    I’m going to manually put it back in for now.

    – Shawn Yuan


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