NEW install of BP Press – Can't post any topics in forum
Hi guys,
I’m very new to BP, just installed the plugin on a fesh insatll of WP tonight.
I have created my first group and now want to create a forum topic for that group.
I click on Forums and the ‘New Topic’. From here a drop down appears where I can name the topic and put in a description. I then select the topic to be posted in my only group from the drop down list and click Post Topic.
Unfortunately the topic isn’t posted. Instead I am taken back to the forums main page and given the same default message ‘Sorry, there were no forum topics found.’ which was there before I attempted to post my topic.
Any ideas? It just doesn’t seem to be saving the topic anywhere.
As I said I’m very new too so aren’t the most technical yet, please be gentle.
Thanks in advance.
I am having the same problem, would love to hear some answers.
Have you gone through the bbPress installation process in your wp-admin yet?
Yep, I went through the 2 click set up. It says it has installed and should be okay but I can’t post ANY topics at all???
having the same problem
I’m having similar problems – when I post I get the red bar that says “â€There was an error creating this topicâ€
Do you get an error or just the redirect?
Right guys, I reinstalled everything and in general settings in admin changed the content link from the default addresss to the absolute url, eg before trying to post a thing.
I also changed perma links to ‘Day and name’
All seems to work.
Let me know how you get on.
Replaced the BP folder I’d upgraded from 1.0.1 to 1.1.3 to 1.2.1 with the forums folder from a fresh 1.2.1 install and all seems well now.
rossagrant, can you clarify where you updated the default address to the absolute url? I went to both the BuddyPress > General settings and the Settings > General in my WP Admin but I’m not sure where to put the absolute url. I must be blind. Thanks for your help!
Setting —> Miscellaneous
blank out the top box and fill in the absolute path underneath. Hope it works for you!
Thanks for the quick reply rossagrant, unfortunately I’m still getting the dreaded “Sorry, there were no forum topics found.” when I try to post a topic to a forum. I’ve reinstalled once but I think I’ll try photodesign’s advice again and see what happens. I’ll keep you all posted if I have any luck and thanks again for your help.
This might seem silly – you’ve probably already tried this… but make sure you login as the admin to the group you’re trying to post to and enable forums for that specific group.
Well Sarah Gooding, you are a saint in the making! This is interesting and your idea made this possible. I was logged into the forum as the admin and the group I was trying to post to had the “Enable discussion forum” checkbox checked so I decided to uncheck it and save my settings which were confirmed. I then checked the “Enable discussion forum” box again and saved my settings and viola! It worked just as it should. How odd (and cool at the same time:). I can also post to other groups now that I did not create as well. I wish I could explain why that is but at this point I am not questioning the answers. Thanks again to all and I’ll keep you posted if anything goes awry, but at this point I appear to be in business.
why “”???
I have same problem!
Thank you for being so specific Tridian & Sarah Gooding – it worked for me this time – i hadn’t made me an admin on the new group that I hadn’t created – once I did – I found – Group Settings under Admin and unchecked ‘enable discussions’ saved it – and rechecked it and saved it – working now!
Not on MU – have a standard brandnew WP install – cannot post topics to the forum. I am the admin. I went into the group I created and unchecked and saved ‘Enable discussion forum’ then went back in and saved it with Enable discussion forum checked – still no success…. HELP please….
If anyone is having problems, like I was, Sarah Gooding’s solution worked for me. To be specific, do the following:
~ click on Groups
~ click on a Group – you should then see “Home – Admin – Forum -Members (4) – Send Invites” in its’ menu
~ click on Admin
~ click on Group Setting
~ check the box for “Enable discussion forum”
~ save changesNow when you go to Forums in the menu, you should be able to click on New Topic and save it. Thanks SARAH GOODING – you’re the best!
I encountered this problem too and it seems that when I add a topic in a forum under my test group, it works. But if I add a topic through the top-level Forum tab > New Topic, it doesn’t work.
Maybe that New Topic button should not exist on that page? Does that make sense?
Is that Forums tab supposed to show only public forums that are not associated with a group? Because there are forums that fall under groups too. It’s kind of confusing…
THANK YOU Sarah and thatguy!
Here’s the 100% working solution!!! thanks to John
1 – Delete your group.. doing the other way around is impossible for non-developers.
2 – Create a the new group..
STEP 1 add title and description ( title will be used as the group slug )
STEP 2 ( DO NOT SAVE SETTING AS IS!! I REPEAT DO NOT!!!! ) here’s what to do.
in step 2 ((un-check)) the Enable discussion forums, and then check it again.. and THEN save settings..
Step 3 avatar bla bla.. but the thing isit’s solved!
How it works!
the problem is stupidly simple.. that in some times.. ( not all buddypress installations for some weird reason either plugin conflict or a script timing error…
the check of enable forums is saved as “null” instead of 0/1 imagine it as a multiple choice radio button..
as long as you didn’t either.. it’s unselected.. but once you click.. it’s always 1 of the both and can’t be null…
Why is this happening? even WPMU and BPMU geniuses couldn’t solve it for 2 years now ^__^’>
I just tried that tip above, in addition to many others. Didn’t work. Still can’t post new topics in forums. I have setup 2 public test groups, CHMOD 755 all buddypress files.. I am so depressed lol
God I nearly lost my mind over this rediculous bug…going into desperate mode.
I had uninstalled, reinstalled all the group forums. I checked the bb-config, noticed that it did not have same database settings in it so deleted it. Went back to Buddypress settings > Forums and reinstalled a fresh group forum.
Then I tried posting a topic and it was STILL not working, when I finally found the tip here to uncheck, save the settings page, switched to Avatar, back to settings, checked the forum for that group again. Saved the settings once more and went to forums > new topic.
Finally I managed to post a topic.But now guess what, the group forum uses no rich text editor. I cannot add html tags, not implement videos, pictures or anything else it’s just a boring plain topic poster.
Also it gives no function to subforums to organize your content properly so in fact all you get is a group > forums > topics. Which leaves a huge mess if you have a large fandom.
Now I’m wondering seriously…I did all those troubles went nearly depressed over this freeking thing only to find out it will probably not even be used because with a phpBB board as a proper forum and half of the social network functions not working who would want to?
So then we go to the option of using Sidewide forums, which is better because of the rich html text editor. But which lacks a certain amount of necesarry functionalities.
Like show unread posts, yes I am aware of the plugin BP Unread Posts from Pippin, but unfortunately this one does not work for sidewide topics. It’s supposed to show a link unread posts on the bbpress profile site, which does not excist anymore because it’s automatically replaced by the buddypress profile site and that one does not show show unread posts link anywhere.
If you check the forum tabs in your buddypress profile, you’ll notice that topics you post on the sitewide forum are not reconized. Leaving the profile page by saying you have no replies, no forums, no favorites added, if you have an active sidewide forum.
Now where is the use in that?
I loved the idea of buddypress, with a bbpress forum inside. I thought it was brilliant, that with the achievements plugin, gifts rebirth plugin, links plugin, media plugin, that I could actually build a great multimedia site offering something to my users that had never been offered before.
But instead I’m growing rather desperate running from one bug to another and having no idea how to fix these troubles. I’ve been trying for over a week now to get everything working…
And it’s still not even near to complete
Hello, dinoraptor101 has right.
I had the same problem, what I did:1. renamed bb-config.php in bb-config-old.php
2. reinstalled forum
3. deleted old groups and inizialate new oneNow, works just fine.
ps: I did backup before…
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