@jerryroxas – welcome to the wonderful world of wp and bp!
Here is what you are likely to find out.. when asking for support in the bp forums people are going to ask if your problem exists when you switch to the default wp theme and turn off all plugins except bp.
If your problem does not exist in the default setup, then re-enable your other plugins one by one and see if the issue is caused when another plugin is activated. If the problem is caused by another plugin (in your case I am guessing the members plugin) – then you will likely be asked to go find the support forums for that plugin and ask them over there, as it’s not a bp problem, and you are unlikely to get (free) support here.
If your problem does not exist with all plugins, change your theme to what you were using and see if the problem exists. IF problem exists only with the non-default theme, then you need to ask for support with your theme designer.
If you come back here and say that you need such and such functionality and the other theme designers and plugin authors are not helping you, then you will likely be directed to the coders jobs board when you can offer cash for solutions. (And those solutions that you pay for will likely not be guaranteed to work, or work in the future when wp and bp have updates.)
I will add some extra light on your situation however, from what I have seen the next version of buddypress is supposed to have core functionality support for some kind of member levels thing.. see https://buddypress.org/2015/01/buddypress-2-2-beta-2/ –
whether or not that new function will work right at all, or work for the type of situation in which you are trying to create with the permissions / members plugin you are currently playing with, I don’t know. I myself have had some luck with using press-premit-core for some content restriction situations, but I have not looked to see if those affect activity stream registering.. I may play with that some and see.
10 years, 1 month ago
I’m a newbie to the WordPress world, and am absolutely loving it – especially with BuddyPress! I have a membership site (www.pbnbenefits.com) running WordPress 4.1 and BuddyPress 2.1.1, along with the Members plugin v0.2.4. I use the Members plugin for content access based on WP user roles. Everything works fine, except that new posts and post comments are not appearing on my BP activity feed on posts where content access is restricted by user roles. I have confirmed this by posting a non-restricted post (no user roles assigned), and then commenting on that post. In that instance, both the post and the comments appeared in the BP activity stream.
However, if I post a new post and restrict access (via the Members plugin) by user role, neither the post itself or any comments to it will appear in the BP activity feed.
I’ve searched on this forum, and was unable to find similar issues, so I thought I’d make my first post. Any insight and recommendations would be greatly appreciated!