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New Tab on Profile Page not showing all the other tabs with clicked

  • @tim2376


    Hi Guys,

    I am running into a little problem with adding a new tab to the profile page. My new page does not inherit any of the navigational menu for profile page or the user image.

    Here is what I have added to functions.php of the theme I am using:

    /*Add BuddyPress Menu tab*/
    function my_setup_nav() {
          global $bp;
          bp_core_new_nav_item( array( 
                'name' => __( 'My Favorite Books', 'buddypress' ), 
                'slug' => 'MyFavoriteBooks', 
                'position' => 11,
                'screen_function' => 'Favorite_Books_template'
          ) );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_setup_nav' );
    function Favorite_Books_template() {
        bp_core_load_template( 'FavoriteBooksTemp' );

    I have created FavoriteBooksTemp.php and added it to the root folder of the theme I am using.

    Although this works, when I click on the new tab, the page that comes up does not inherit the user image and other tabs.

    Here is a demo to show you what I mean…

    Here is the link to an example profile on my site:

    When you click on “My Favorite Books”, you see the “This works!” message so I know that it is loading FavoriteBooksTemp.php correctly.

    However, as you can see from that page…
    it does not retain the user image, and menu like main profile page does.

    If anyone could help me figure out how to fix this, I would greatly appreciate it. I have searched a lot online, but can’t figure out how to eliminate this problem.

    Is there any way to get the new tab to include the profile menu if I am putting the code in functions.php of my theme?

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