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Newbie questions

  • @vidalpaulo


    Hey guys. I’m building a social media focusing on educational matters but I’m having some problems (as I’m not a dev and have never tried to build anything so complex):

    1) How can I change labes like “following”, “followers”, “follow”, “friends”, etc. sitewide?

    2) How can I make the BuddyPress Login widget for non-logged users I’m using in redirect to a page other than wp-login? (And the same with the Activity widget for logged users)

    3) How can I customize the tabs on the Activity page? (I want to hide some options)

    Thank you very much!

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  • @mohamedouqas


    if you want to change the labels for you theme you can go to your theme directory and search for these words and replace them .
    go to wordpress\wp-content\themes\yourtheme
    what i do is search for each word like this ; i use CMD in that directory with this command findstr /s /n /i /p “keyword” * and it’s gonna display all files that contains that word and you can change it manually by accessing those files
    2. to make user login in a custom page use ultimate member plugin there are a lot more plugin for this you just need to search for them
    3. if you want to hide some activities all i can say is you gonna need to get your hands dirty with the code , but if there might be a way i just don’t know it



    @mohamedouqas, @vidalpaulo

    if you want to change the labels for you theme you can go to your theme directory and search for these words and replace them. That’s a rough, dirty trick to avoid. 😉

    Much more simple, and best practice by the way, is to use the language file shipped with your theme.

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    But as we’re talking here about BuddyPress, most of the items are in the BP language file.

    “Follower” sounds more like used by another plugin. But again, you’ll find it in that plugin language file.

    2) There is a plugin:

    3) you’re right, this need some custom coding. Read here how to do that:

    Navigation API

    If you search the forum, you’ll find many examples too.



    @danbp thank you , i’m a beginner my self and that’s how i did it , can you please answer my question here Broken user Link

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