You can change it to whatever you want, there are instructions on a few threads around here.
I guess Mark’s post is what the menu item should read out-of-the-box. I agree with Mark, since Blog and Blogs confuse people. It’s about usability – especially for non-techie users.
I would eventually like to see more ability incorporated into the BuddyPress navigation bar, but until then I agree. While “News” does tend to set an expectation that the main site blog is only about site related news and updates, it isn’t necessarily a “blog” as the word means to most people either.
And I’ve found that the instructions to change the link text really haven’t worked for me either. I’ll see about that in RC1 tho.
After diving a little deeper into the theme, I was able to figure it out, and it’s quite straight forward actually. Basically in RC1 you can just edit the nav directly in the theme header.php to have the text be whatever you’d like. Easy!
It’s very simple to edit, if I change it back to ‘News’ the other 50% of people will not be happy.
>> Basically in RC1 you can just edit the nav directly in the theme
>> header.php to have the text be whatever you’d like. Easy!
Perfect! I was also operating under the impression that the methods listed to change this were not easy or didn’t work. So problem solved.