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Newsletter/Profile Views/Media Files/Ideas Wall

  • @ianfindlay


    I have been messing about with buddypress for a while now and I am hoping to start a whole new business based on a website for people connecting together(using buddyypress)

    Currently I am no where near ready to launch and is wordpress + buddypress with a bunch of other plugins and layouts I am trying out. I have a couple of questions so far that although I have found information on, its outdated or not very clear. Please be aware I can tinker about with code buy I am no coder.

    Newsletter/Mass Message Users
    Is there a way to send out a newsletter to all members email addresses? Or the alternative being sending them a mass private message that they see and get a email notification about? If not then what is my options for integrating something like mailchimp to the registration process with a checkbox?

    Profile Views
    Who is looking at your profile, how many times etc. Currently I have only found “YD Profile Visitor Tracker” is there anything else out there?

    Media Files
    I am wanting to add the ability of adding media files to activity updates, rtmedia is the best I have found, any other options?

    Social Network Only
    I really want this to be more like a social network rather than somewhere to have discussions in groups. Can groups just be somewhere to list members rather than post any activity within them? Or can this be restricted to admin users only?

    Finally – Ideas Wall
    For example – This website lets users submit there thoughts and it is displayed in a nice decorative wall. Is there anything similar (wordpress/buddypress) can achieve? Would be good to see users of my site be able to share those ideas, comment and “like” those ideas.

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