Thank you @intimez! I’ve been looking off an on for two weeks and never found that thread. Was going crazy.
Turns out it had to do with blocking search engines. Turned that off and it works fine. Never would have realized that until I came out of development so thanks for the link!
Also, following your link to the end, I came across the fix that was posted (in case you haven’t seen it):
You’re welcome @nimaha
Some installs with search engines blocking turned off, activity stream still not working. Not many complain about this issue is a big surprise. Maybe because upgrade and not new install. Don’t think that fix from @johnjamesjacoby work. testbp also still not working correctly.
14 years, 6 months ago
All activities are showing up for registered users except for blog comments. I know blog comments are supposed to show up but it’s not working for me. I’ve tested multiple users and roles.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get comments from a blog post to show up in the activity stream the way they are supposed to?
This is all on a localhost install with the latest updates for both WordPress and BuddyPress and I’m using the BP Template Pack plugin.
FWIW, my settings are fine, I’ve also tried the default BP theme and comments I am referencing are all by registered users.