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No default pages on new install

  • @techbot


    I’m using Buddypress 6.4.0 on WordPress 5.6 and it’s not installing the default pages. I’ve tried this with the Twenty Twenty default theme as well as dropping all my other plugins for the install, but it’s just not creating those pages 🙁 I don’t want to list my website here, as it contains adult material, but any suggestions would be appreciated

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  • @iamthewebb


    Which default pages are you missing? Have you enabled the relevant components through the buddypress settings?

    I believe you can also just create blank pages with suitable names and assign in the buddypress settings.



    I’m missing Members, Activity Streams, User Groups, Activate, Register. Trying to view my Profile takes me to a 404 page.
    Yes, I’ve activated all of the components and saved. I even deactivated them all and reactivated in hopes of them appearing, but that didn’t work. Are there shortcodes? I could easily build the pages myself if it’s just a matter of shortcodes



    ahh no you certainly should not be missing all that, it may be worth disabling, deleting the plugin then re-installing and activating with default theme (2019) and other plugins disabled.
    Either some files are missing or another plugin is interfering with the initial setup process.



    Well, I downloaded the 2019 theme, disabled all plugins and deleted the Buddypress plugin. Then I re-uploaded the Buddypress plugin fresh… still no pages 🙁 I’ve tried both uploading the .zip from my computer AND searching through the WordPress plugins panel.
    I’m at a loss here. To be fair, it DOES say that it’s untested with WordPress 5.6. I just noticed that



    @techbot, like a quick turnaround, you can also create new blank pages with those component names and select them from BuddyPress >> Pages option.



    If I simply make pages with those names as the title, what about the content of the page? Are there shortcodes to make the pages work with Buddypress?



    Did you try it?
    Create the pages and leave them blank.
    This is all covered in the documentation on this site.



    I’m trying not to use my site as a test sandbox because the site is currently live. I’d hate to mess the thing up, hence the question beforehand.
    I’d searched for 2 days for the terms “buddypress missing default pages” or “create new buddypress pages”. None of these touched on what to do if pages were missing from the install. I didn’t see anything that went into detail about how the pages were coded so I wasn’t sure
    That seems to have worked though! Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and help 🙂



    Having the same issues.
    Fresh install on self hosted wordpress under Plesk.
    Version is 5.8, all components fresh and latest updates.
    Not able to get register or activate pages created.
    The pages Members, Activity and Groups are created, but doesn’t have any content – and thus does not work.
    Had high hopes for this plugin, but it turns out to be another dud.
    Sorry, there seems to be too much automation and no control over this to even bother with it.
    There are no good guides as to how one produces these pages manually after install.
    Buddypress just isn’t worth it.

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