You might want to inquire of your hosts support why this is happening as it’s not that desirable on a member login site
`503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
Too many IP addresses accessing one secure area!
Please contact Support if you require assistance.`
As for the issue this is simply one where you need to get stuck into the CSS it’s the job of the front-end developer to ensure cross browser compat and there are no plugins that will do this for you, as you are a web developer I guess this falls down to you
however I see you have actually used a pre built theme ‘buddyboss’ so you might want to speak to the authors and see if there’s a fix they can provide.
For your sidebar widget issue, @hnla is right: contacting the theme author is probably the best route.
For the 503 message quoted above, that looks like suspiciously like one I got recently on one of my sites, which turned out to be a setting in the s2member plugin. If you’re using that plugin (and I suspect you are), check the “Unique IP Access Restrictions” setting under “s2member” > “General Options” in your WP backend. If you have that setting set to, say, 5 different IPs per customer, and more that 5 nice folks on this forum try to help you by accessing your test account (from different IPs obviously), the warning will be triggered. If you don’t want that warning to display to your site members who may use several different machines to access your site, you can set it to a higher number or disable it altogether (“Allow Infinite IPs”).
outstanding, writer, you are the man. that has been fixed. i’ve had that issue before and called my host and they had no idea lol, so im glad to have that solved. i will talk to the creator of buddyboss about my other issue. thanks again!