“Crisis” is not a smart topic title, I’ve changed it.
i’ve the same issue: only the home page is displayed, but members, groups, profile pages…everything leads to a 404. I’m testing it locally with XAMPP.
I’ve made a manual upgrade, and i’m using default themes both for home and profiles.
this is the path of the theme i’m using: wp-content bp-themes bpmember
note: i’ve tried the solutions posted here: https://buddypress.org/forums/topic.php?id=2457 with no success
note: i’m running the wpmu 2.71 zip (downloaded 1 hour ago)
Make sure you have re-selected the member theme in “BuddyPress > General Settings” and hit the save button, even if it is already selected.
thanx Andy. It seems solved: the problem it is not bp related, but related to the upgrade of wpmu. I’ve restarted with a fresh installation and seems to work fine.
@Sgrunt: Was your problem by any chance related to which I’m still having, documented at https://buddypress.org/forums/topic.php?id=2314 ? I’m continuesly getting 404’s as soon as I use the old buddypress database on the new install. The “save” didn’t help at all..
The only known way of fixing this is manually inserting ALL articles and parameters by hand from one to another database requiring 2 builds to work parallel. This is heavy for just an upgrade .. what will it be with RC3 etc..?
@Wildchild: i have a subdirectory installation. I’ve never had problem with manual upgrade of wpmu (i usually remove and update all the folders except the config file). But with this new update something was strange: for example the configuration was set from subdirectories to subdomains…and it is not normal (i’ve done a lot of upgradeds until today, always with success). I received 404 for blog pages, members, groups…and problems in the admin login too. I’ve erased the installation, the db, and started from scratch and it works fine.
But my problem is WMPU related and not a BP issue.
@Sgrunt: I’m not completely convinced my problem is an exclusive Buddypress problem either ; since I’ve tried to upgrade the site and no slugs worked anymore.
The basic WordPress MU blogs -DO- work perfect though, after database migration; Buddypress seems to be giving a lot more problems with all of them 404 errors..
With exception the normal WordPress MU functions which seem to continue working..
I’ve done a fresh intall,yesterday,WPMU-Buddypress…and clicked on the “memebers” link and found this problem”404″ also.I wanted to join this post to wait for a solution.
@Patriotsandheroes: Welcome to the official BuddyPress 404 club
In order to enter, your page has to be broken
Got the same problem with one of the Buddypress installation in one domain.
Upgraded from RC-2 to 1.02.
But managed to get the other site with a different domain to work perfectly. Both had been upgraded following the perfect instructions on how to upgrade from RCs to 1.00 installations. Both WPMU 2.7.1 and from BP RC1 to BP 1.02.
Please help.
Please read this thread on the most effective way to ask for support: https://buddypress.org/forums/topic/have-a-new-issue-then-start-a-new-thread
It may be necessary for you to answer all the questions in the link in that thread, but here are a few to get started:
- Are you using the new default themes that come with BP 1.0.2 or old themes?
- Do you have any plugins (besides BuddyPress) installed in the site with which you have issues?
- Did you reselect the member theme in WPMU’s backend under “BuddyPress > General Settings”?
Thanks Jeff.
Sorry for posting in a resolved thread.
Missed that, it was hectic yesterday.
Ok, will start a new thread later after I try a couple more steps (hopefully can solve the problem).
Thanks again.
Apparently there’s a plugin that is incompatible: “qtranslate”. It was working perfectly before BP1.00. The plugin seems to interfere with BP page generation (?).
Case Solved. Thanks again, Jeff.