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Nothing works.

  • @entertheraptor


    I have installed BuddyPress on my local machine for testing (PC with Windoze XP, Apache and PHP) I have been testing WordPress instillation on this machine forever and never had a problem. Anyway I installed WordPress 3.0 and then the current version of BuddyPress. I changed the permalinks as required (Changed to numeric) and then went to check out the instillation. The only thing that works is the home page. I can click on any link I like and all I get is a “Not Found” message.

    Ideas anyone?

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  • @modemlooper


    Make sure your .htaccess file is correct



    Fixed it! It turned out to be a server configuration problem.

    For the benefit of anyone else having the same issue on a Windows local machine running Apache, in your apache instillation find the file “httpd.conf” (in the conf directory) open it in your text editor of choice (Notepad etc) find the first two instances of the line “AllowOverride None” which appears to be the default when you install Apache and change to “AllowOverride All”. Restart your machine for the new setting to take effect and bingo, problem solved.





    You could add that same thing to your .htaccess file as well.

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