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Notifications not clearing

  • @scabbrox


    Hi there

    I’ve been using Buddypress with Bbpress for the last two years on site that is based on the Godlike (NK) theme.

    All plugins and themes are updated to their latest versions and I’m running Buddypress 5.1.2.

    Since an update a few week ago the Notification feature of Buddpress (the blue number bubble in the admin bar) is no longer working as it used to.

    I used to be able to mouse over the bubble, and click the reply link underneath and it would take me to the topic that the reply had been posted in and automatically clear the notification. When you had visited each of the links the bubble disappeared and all was clear.

    Alternatively you could click the blue bubble and it would take you to your Buddypress progile notifications and you could check from there or simply mark them either in bulk or individually for clearing.

    Now, the former method does not clear the notifications even after visiting the topics, they simply stay as if unread and the bubble does not go way.

    Similarly going to the profile does not allow you to bulk select the notifications anymore, they all need to be ticked individually and then bulk cleared. Also if you have a site notification banner present there it can’t be cleared at all.

    As I said this started happening with the most recent update and I’m at a loss to understand what I can do about it other than turn the notification module off.

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