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[Resolved] Notifications when a post is edited in bbpress

  • @littlemisslanna


    Hi there!

    Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, but I think (?) this is more about a notifications setting than a bbpress one. Maybe.

    Either way, when I edit a post on bbpress, the notification goes up as if I created a new post. Is it possible to turn off these notifications for edited posts?

    I’m running the latest version of Buddypress if that helps at all! 🙂

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  • @danbp


    Hi @littlemisslanna,

    can you give more details please ?
    Which type of forum do you use: bbpress as stanalone or group forums ?
    Do you mean “edit” or “publish” ? – it’s not the same thing. They’re no notification when you edit (aka modify) a topic.
    What do you mean by notification ? A private mail or the activity stream information (site, group, profile…) ?



    Hi there! Yes, sorry. So for example:

    This is a shot of the page showing all site activity. The first one at the bottom shows I replied to the topic in the bbpress forum. This is standalone, I beleive, as I don’t have any group forums enabled. So anyway yes, I expected it to show up once here.

    I immediately edited the post because I saw a typo. So the activity feed showed it again. I thought this was activity-only stream, but then a user emailed me this:

    I had mentioned her in the post, and then edited immediately after, so it notified her again.



    That is an old bbPress issue. When you edit a topic, i some case, the topic comes up twice(or more, depending how many edit you made) on the site activity.

    This bug will be corrected in bbP 2.6 (actual version is 2.5.9). See ticket & patch here.
    What you can do immediatly is to modify following file:


    Replace code between line 277/279

    $existing = bp_activity_get_specific( array( 'activity_ids' => $activity_id, 'show_hidden' => true, 'spam' => 'all', ) );
    if ( empty( $existing['total'] ) || ( 1 !== (int) $existing['total'] ) )
    return null;


    $existing = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id );
    if ( empty( $existing->component ) ) {
    return null;



    Thank you so much! This definitely worked. Now I have to worry about my users losing their edit post button in bbpress :’| the work never ends

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