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offloading avatars to another server

  • @ds123


    i have to move my avatars (now numbering 100000+ ) to another server ….one of the issues is if the avatar file is not on the local web server buddypress inserts a gravatar this happens even with cdn rewriting rules and the avatar on the cdn …. can i hack the buddypress code for avatars maybe also with a regex rule saying for this range of avatars use this url to find them? can anyone suggest a solution? i’m sure others are trying to get their avatars off their local server having over a hundred thousand image files on the local web app server is not working

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  • @ds123


    i’d like to add does anyone want to be hired to code a solution that checks a remote cdn server for an existing user avatar in addition to the local web app server where buddypress is running? i’m looking at the buddypress code and if you could include a remote location in addition to the “locally” uploaded avatar directory that might work …. my strategy is this ..i’m offloading the current avatar directories and the new ones will still get added locally …i will then go back and sync the newer avatars with the cdn server …so i need buddypress core avatar file to check both places for existing avatar this would allow me to DELETE the majority of avatar files from my local web server

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