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Ok Im Completely Lost Need Help Please

  • @osirisravenwood


    Ok so I have spent hours looking for answers and now feel a little bit dumber LOL

    So I figured It cant hurt to just ask!

    This is what I want to do.

    I want to create a social network site for gamers and on this site I want to allow gamers to create profiles (this part covered by BuddyPress) but i also want to allow them the ability to create group pages for guilds or clans ( this is also a feature of BP) However I noticed there is not group categories for the groups and i would like to figure out some way to categorize the groups to specific games (ie Category 1 is for game a and category 2 is for game b) so that all the groups (guilds or clans) of a certain game are grouped together.and as that wasent impossible enough to do i also want to initially set up a category list that seperates groups in to initial categories such as group a is a category for guild and clan groups and category b is for game develpment studios and so on. So basicly when a member creates a group there is a drop down that says something to the effect of this group is a guild/clan or this group is a game studio then if they select guild/clan a new dropdown will allow them to select what game the guild is for and i need to have it where the groups are then sorted to the perspective category

    now i also want to allow the groups to have their own forums and it appears thats an included feature but in my research i have found alot of mentions of different plugins i might need and don’t really know what i should be using

    i was told that it might be beneficial to set up the site using multi site and get the plugin for multi bp networks but i have also heard that’s a bad idea

    to try and clarify i want to offer as many different services to each group as i can to create a place on the web that they can set up their own web presence with forums, pages, and blogs. but i need it to be laid out and organized well.

    So that’s half of my site the other site is just a huge social network with individual profiles which ill be putting in as many social network type features as i can.

    I think the thing that has got me stressing out so much is the groups and the lack of categories for them so i calling out to the community here to see if any one has any ideas to deal with this i have some features / plugins that require wordpress and i have delt with Jomsocial in the past i know it will do what i want on the group side but i would rather just use wordpress/ buddypress because i believe in the products my only other option is to set up 2 different sites one jomsocial and one wordpress but that is a nightmare waiting to happen and then the members have to have 2 different logins

    if anyone can set me in the right direction with how to go about doing all of this with wordpress and buddypress and whether or not i need to set up a multisite network i would really appreciate the info

    ultimately i kind of want to ste up a site that has similar but scaled back features as this site

    Again any help would be awesome


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  • @shanebp


    In BP now uses the bbPress plugin for forums, sitewide or groups.

    Group cats would be a great built-in feature.
    Have a look at this plugin.
    Here’s an article about it.



    Ok so from what i think im understanding here is that instead of the tags of Community, Plugins, and Themes as tags I could put Guilds, Developers, and Studios ? then display the group tags on the group sign up?



    I haven’t tried that plugin, but your assumptions seem logical.
    Only way to find out is to try it.

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