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Open Source Theme: Your Voice is Needed

  • @buddycore


    I’m going to design & develop a theme for BuddyPress to help pay the bills around here.

    The theme will be made open-source until I have an audience then I may put a price on the theme to maintain it and help pay my bills.

    This is my research before embarking on the project. I’d really appreciate the help.

    Should I make a light or dark theme?

    What components are most important, I will build in this order and release for testing once each component is functional. Please order accordingly.

    1. Activity Stream
    2. Member Profiles
    3. Member Directory
    4. Group Pages
    5. Group Directory
    6. Network
    7. BBPress Forums

    Are you interested in being a beta tester? You will get access to the theme files to use in your own projects in return.

    What customisations would you like built in? Things like custom logos, and colours? That type of thing.

    How many custom navs are required?

    Do you want full WordPress support for posts and pages? Things like post format, post thumnbails and HTML5 when and where possible.

    What about templates, would you like an optional custom front-page?

    Anything else you feel like discussing please do so.

    After the theme gets off the ground I may decide to release it as a premium theme to help pay the bills, but for now I’m looking for an audience to get started with.

    Lastly, I was going to blog about the progress in my site to keep anyone who is interested up to date.

    Thanks for your help.

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