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Organic Square theme

  • @peter-hamilton


    Hi all, I am back once again to share my ongoing quest in making a complete social site with Buddypress and BBpress.

    I needed a theme that allowedd members to interact almost similar as on facebook, everything should be able to be “liked” and the activity timeline needed to allow the full social experience, liking, posting images and video etc.

    The BBpress forum integration had to follow a similar path, likes on posts and all showing up on the activity timeline.

    I started developing this theme a few years ago, but as a self-taught copy and paste developer with little time to learn actual php/java etc. I it is taking quite some time to come to the point I am now.

    I am using this theme on my own main website where you can see it in action.

    The activity is only for registered members, to test this feature you can use my demo account:

    Username: demo
    Password: demo2017

    The following image shows the activity wall and main profile page.

    Organic Square - activity and profile

    I just installed the theme and am working hard on all the sidebars etc. have a look and let me now what you think.

    I hope to make this into a theme that I can share in the depository one day.

    Thanks in advance for the input
    Peter Hamilton

    Warning: the content of the site are about hemp and is an adult only site although I still need to implement an entry page with this warning, page is for 18+ only.

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  • @peter-hamilton


    organicsquare profile page



    Profile page is almost complete, few more functions like front-end editor to add, make it mobile friendly and find a way to integrate a reward system that will not slow down the site too much.



    Amazing looking theme! Any chance you’re looking to make it available to others? 🙂



    Hi @johnagreene, I am aiming to make it so that it can be used by others, still working on the theme at the moment.



    few shots of current state of this theme.

    Organic-Square: profile page

    Organic-Square: activity wall

    Organic-Square: forums

    Organic-Square: topics



    And almost finished making the forums accessible on mobile devices.

    Organic-Square: mobile forums



    I am aiming to make this a modern fully functional forum website that does offer the same if not more functions then most commercially available alternatives and prove that BBpress is capable of providing everything we need to create a full-fledged forum.

    As I am not a programmer I have been cutting and pasting for so long that I now start to get a basic understanding of php, but still only cutting pasting and making minor adjustments.

    I am almost ready incorporating all features I need, as soon as that is done I will once again rewrite all code to tidy it up and try to make it into a theme for others to use.

    I hope my effort shows those looking for software to make a forum that BBPress is capable and with wordpress in the background potentially better then anything you can buy.

    Peter Hamilton



    Seriously amazing work @peter-hamilton! It looks better than any premium Buddypress/bbPress theme I’ve seen. Great job and can’t wait to see the finished product!



    Thanks again, I do work better when sometimes tapped on the back, and there is such a need to improve on the available themes for BBPress/Buddypress, I feel they should not even be a separate thing… think they come from the same group of people!?.

    I aim to produce a usable skeleton theme in the next few months, to be honest now trying to learn how to create a customization page in the dashoard.



    Hey, @peter-hamilton been a long time mate! Glad you’re still at this, just been to check it out, looking good mate, you remember me right from the last website you created and in these forums? I have one of my own launching at the end of this week I will share with you, its been 2-3 years man since I was really active in here, Just thought I would pop bye seeing as my new build is Buddypress and BBpress once again. I am gonna try to be more active here once again, life has just had me so damn busy man.



    same here @mcpeanut very busy but loving life



    Lol, back again, still working hard with the Buddypress, all going very good and have a “facebook killer” of a site that I am very happy with.

    But is “adult” content if Cannabis falls under that warning…lol

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