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Page not found error on Wamp server

  • @saramansouri


    I know that its not a new question but I have spent days on solving this issue with recommended solutions in the forums but I was not successful.
    I try installing fresh WordPress on Wamp 3.8 (windows 7 and windows server 2012)
    then I install BuddyPress 1.9.2 and add register page and activate page.
    I add login widget of buddy press to sidebar.

    when I go to website and click on my name or avatar to go to my profile page I see this 404 erorr:
    Not Found
    The requested URL /members/sara/ was not found on this server.
    (same thing happens when I click on activities, members, groups)

    Does it have a problem with Wamp? because Bitnami installation doesn’t have this problem.

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