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Pagination on Members broken after update

  • @adamt19


    After upgrading from 2.0.2 to 2.1.1, which is supposed to include a fix for the pagination links when search parameters are applied, I’ve noticed that I can’t get past page 2 in a list of results.

    i.e. ?upage=2 is rendered into the ‘next’ link even when on page 2

    To make matters worse, reverting back to the old BuddyPress folder didn’t fix it!

    I have ‘no-ajax’ applied on the pagination, because of a long standing issue with ajax-driven members pages, where performing a search, going to page 2, viewing a profile, then going ‘back’ to results, and requesting page 3…….loses all of the search params.

    So I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place here. no-ajax pagination was tolerable until it broke. Any ideas?

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  • @adamt19


    @r-a-y I noticed you worked on a similar issue for when ajax is enabled in the messaging views.

    I can provide guest account credentials if you’d be willing to help out here — live site issue at the moment D:



    Adding this code above $this->$pag_links to bp-members-template solved the issue for us..

    			 * Defaults to an empty array to make sure paginate_links()
    			 * won't add the $page_arg to the links which would break
    			 * pagination in case javascript is disabled.
    			$add_args = array();
    			if ( ! empty( $search_terms ) ) {
    				$add_args['s'] = urlencode( $search_terms );
    			$this->pag_links = paginate_links( array(
    				'base'      => add_query_arg( $pag_args, $base ),
    				'format'    => '',
    				'total'     => ceil( (int) $this->total_member_count / (int) $this->pag_num ),
    				'current'   => (int) $this->pag_page,
    				'prev_text' => _x( '←', 'Member pagination previous text', 'buddypress' ),
    				'next_text' => _x( '→', 'Member pagination next text', 'buddypress' ),
    				'mid_size'  => 1,
    				'add_args'  => $add_args,
    			) );



    Had the same problem, it was a theme-incompatibility problem on my website, changing the theme helped. Don’t know if this helps, or if you still encounter this problem, but I thought I should tell you. 🙂



    @adamt19 this solution worked for me too.

    But editing BP plugin files seems a bit extreme, is there a way to change the function from within the theme files?




    This should be fixed in 2.2. What version of BuddyPress are you all using?




    Problem is that i’m using other modules and themes, and i must still setup a BP 2.2 development site version.

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