so what’s your question, mate?
oh ha I guess i didn’t really ask anything…I was wondering how one would go about created different page number links like 1,2,3,4…246,247 that kind of a thing like at the bottom of google but just being inside of a function so i can use shortcode…should i use php get functions or something similar?
Use paginate_links() It’s not very easy to use (IMHO) but it’s better than doing it from scratch.
oh ok that’s exactly what i was looking for..I saw this in the skeleton plugin, but I didn’t know what all the parameters were and what the function name was..
Yep, use paginate_links, like Boone suggested. I find its quite easy to use, once you got it, that is. Have a look at the various BP loops on how they handled it. Those helped me understand it…
+1 @travel-junkie – I learned whatever I know about paginate_links() by seeing how BP uses it.
Yeah, I never even knew paginate_links existed before working with BP