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Performance issue.

  • @wolfang8


    Hi, I am very impressed at BuddyPress. This is the best plugin to make/manage social web site.
    However, it also makes my site slow. I checked performance with P3 Plugin Profiler and BuddyPress is no.1 (or 2 sometimes) loading time plugin. Here is the result.

    My web site is already optimized with cache plugin and the other optimization plugins. WP Super Cache (This one is the faster one than Hyper Cache or W3 Total Cache for my site), jQuery lazy load plugin, WP-DBManager, WP-Optimize, WP Clean Up, WP Minify, WP, and WordPress Twitter Bootstrap CSS. I do not want to add more plugin for performance as I think these are good enough.

    What I am curious is whether there are other way to decrease BuddyPress loading time. I researched about this issue a lot, but most of them are similar answers and was not so helpful. Only thing what I did not try is changing hosting provider. But it is big deal to move to the other one.

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  • @henrywright


    Version 2.0 which is due for release in about 2 months time will have quite a few improvements in place related to performance. Caching is one of the main focus areas and reducing the number of queries is another.

    In the mean time, you could disable and remove some of the plugins you don’t use (I noticed you have 46). You could make sure JavaScript files load in the footer, implement lazy loading of images on long pages, optimse and compress images, ask your host if any server improvements can be made, choose your theme carefully and customise your Twitter Bootstrap install so you’re only loading the features you need…



    Agree with @henrywright above, there are many things you could do besides what you are already doing. I should say that although your result shows that the BP plugin is causing it, and I’m not saying it is not, you should improve the performance of your website in other areas as well.



    Hi, Henry. I have done what you said. The plugins are necessary on my web site. Removed plugins and theme which I do not use. Am using Twitter Bootstrap already. As you can see, BuddyPress and s2members take most of time for loading. The others are less than 30%.
    I deactivated BuddyPress and s2members, and my web site turned fast. That means these two plugins make my site slow. Hope the new version would provide better performance.



    Am using Twitter Bootstrap already

    Have you customised it? See

    The Customiser is great because you can get rid of the JavaScript and CSS you don’t need. I find I always need stuff like the CSS ‘the grid system’ but never use stuff like tooltips and popovers.

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