Permalink Structure
Hello all, glad to be aprt of the community. I would like to set my permalinks structure so that when someone clicks on someone’s profile it shows”memeber-username” not”members-username”. Would be great help thanks
define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES’, true );
Put this in plugins/bp-custom.php
Wow Henry thank yo so much for the quick response and the info thank you so much
@henrywright yo henry, this confuses me because this option never works for me on any of my buddypress installs?
define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES’, true );
ive put this in bp-custom plenty of times but it never actually does anything all my links remain the same, yes my bp-custom.php is in my plugins folder and all the other tweaks in there work fine?
so why doesnt this work for me?
doesnt even work when i add it directly to my wp-config.php either btw
this is also the case on fresh installs of wordpress with default themes, never can seem to get users to show as root??The question to ask would be where in the file do we place it and how..any codes, and tags or extra characters we must add henry…I haven’t tried it yet im just asking because of @mcpeanut
it really doesnt matter where in the code it is because even if i have nothing in bp-custom.php
and place the code between the php tags directly it still doesnt work for me, like i said ive been adding and removing code to bp-custom.php for the past twelve months without a problem, its just root profiles that is the only code i cannot get to work.Well i will try maybe we can figure out together… Henry you think you can shed more light on this?
@mcpeanut humm, that’s interesting. I’ve never had any problems getting root profiles to work. Are you doing anything else special inside bp-custom?
On a slightly different note, but still related, you might find this page of some use:
@henrywright nope nothing that would effect it, because i can even install a fresh wordpress and buddypress install then create a new bp-custom.php and add the code and they still wont work, this has been the same way for 12 months and on 2 different linux servers, the first one was on shared hosting with hostgator so should of been no problem with config of server, and ive now just upgraded to a 1&1 vps, and the same thing applies, next month im upgrading to full dedicated for launch and would hope to have root profiles activated for this time, but like i said im hitting a brick wall with this code??
oh and by the way i dont use multisite
I’m actually about to move over to my 1&1 VPS so will try to report back what I find. I’m pretty sure I’ve used root profiles on it before without problems.
You might have better luck with root profiles when BP adopts WP-style rewrite rules in v2.1. You’ll be able to put any component you like in the root. It was scheduled for 2.0 but there’s lots of work involved. Check out this ticket for the latest updates:
I’m actually about to move over to my 1&1 VPS so will try to report back what I find. I’m pretty sure I’ve used root profiles on it before without problems.
yer defo letme know pal, i moved over to the 1&1 vps as hostgator shared was so so bad for performance, im happy with the speed and performance of this vps so much so ive decided to go for full dedicated next month with them.
@henrywright lol henry ive just tried it again in my my wp-config.php and it seems to be working now, this is first time ive tried it again in my wp-config.php since moving to this vps so all is good
, dunno why it wouldnt work on my shared hosting before? wiered.
so @jaynm26 you could allways add this to your wp-config.php if you feel comfortable putting it in there instead of bp-custom.php (because this does not work for me), maybee it will work for you in ther i dunno?
dont forget if you add the code put it above this line close to the bottom
/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
hope this helps.
@mcpeanut great stuff! Glad you got it working
@mcpeanut have you used 1&1’s dedicated server yet? I have actually been thinking of upgrading recently. The VPS is good but I think I need to ‘up my game a little’ and go for some more power. Was wondering if you’d recommend their dedicated option?
@henrywright not yet no, but like you said there vps servers are very good for the price, they have some real good deals on dedicated servers with real decent hardware. the quad core @3.4ghz with Intel® Xeon® E3-1270 v3 plus and 16gb ddr3 and two 1tb hardrives with raid 1 is so damn cheap at £50 per month compared to other hosting services, plus this includes plesk with the package!
this is why im upgrading next month
your looking at least double that price with most other hosting companys for them specs plus they offer you full managed on top if you want for no extra cost!!oh and i can tell you through experience that that cpu is quite a good cpu, i had one in my home rig at one point and it was an awesome cpu.
i do quite alot of cpu benchmarking etc as im a bit of a technology geek and it performs well in all tests for its pricerange
@henrywright oh if you are also looking at the cheaper package that has an 8 core atom cpu, i would defo pay the extra for the quad core xeon, even though the 8 core is quite decent for an atom based processor its designed for low energy consumption and i think the 4 core xeon defo as an edge over it in many ways!
The Intel Xeon looks really good actually. I think I might start off with the AMD, see how that fairs then if I need more i’ll upgrade to the Xeon. You’re right, the spec on these is good for the price. I was expecting to pay more for a dedicated which is probably why I’ve never looked into getting one before. I like their managed option too – in theory you could set up a client and for £20 a month they’d have a powerful server and there’d be no requirement for them to configure or watch over it as 1&1 take care of it. I’ll report back once I’ve got the dedicated up and running – probably a few weeks time though.
@henrywright yeah no worries i will keep you informed too, im going for the xeon straight off so will gladly let you know how it fairs in a real buddypress environment as i will also be launching my site next month as soon as ive configured my new server etc.
@mcpeanut I just got around to buying the dedicated AMD. One thing to watch out for, the price quoted on their splash page is for a 24 mo contract. I found myself paying an extra £10 a month for a rolling monthly contract. Their SSL cert costs extra too. I’ll report back on performance one I have it set up and running
@henrywright yes i realize its a 24 month contract with them that’s why they keep there prices low, i suppose its not to bad them leaving out the sll certificates from the pricing because they throw in plesk for free, (swings and roundabouts).
im opting in for the 24 month contract on the xeon because you arent tied to that contract if you want to upgrade (they will upgrade your package if needed which is great), i searched and thought about it long and hard before deciding this which i think you have to before making any 24 month contract, like i said im real happy with there vps so cant see there being problems with there dedicated servers, as allways with any hosting company most of the complaints ive read are with there shared hosting, but hey you get what you pay for i suppose huh :), keep me informed bro, thx
ha just read that back, excuse my lazy typing im tired tonight lol
Hey @mcpeanut
Hopefully your new server is working well for you! Just thought I’d give an update on how mine is going.
I went for the managed option to try to save a little time but that was a mistake. I should have opted for the root server because 1and1 refuse to make any changes to the config of the managed servers. I should have guessed that before I signed up. An example is Fast CGI isn’t enabled. And their support team has confirmed the advanced settings panel for the managed option doesn’t work. That said, and aside from bad support (the dedicated server support team aren’t interested in helping if you have a non-trivial problem) the server seems to be quite reliable, and fast. Checking via Pingdom Tools, a basic WordPress page load takes ~ 0.2 seconds. Oh and one last thing, their £3.99 per month SSL certificates (minimum 12 month contract) can’t be migrated if you decide to upgrade your package. My mini-review might sound very negative but I’m persevering with them because the hardware is good for the price (as you already know). Hope this helps you!
@henrywright hey henry sorry for the delay in responding, i have only just noticed this post, yes i can also confirm and would not advise anyone to go for the managed packages, i went for the quad core xeon @3.5ghz dedicated server package with 1tb raid 1 and 16gb ddr3 ram unmanaged option, this server is lightning fast and i am very happy with it, i have signed up for their ssl certificate plan too because my server plan is for 24 months to bring the monthly cost down, so to me it makes sense to go for there ssl package too, i even manged to get them to set it all up for free and got my first month free
, i know this is a big commitment to sign up for 24 months but i really think the specs i went for will be enough for this period, saying all this though about the managed server option i also would NOT recommend anyone without good knowledge of linux and apache/centos trying to setup a dedicated server until they have used at minimum a vps or similar for a while first, some people seem to think they can jump from a shared hosting environment to a dedicated server and quite often get confused as of how to securely set up their server, things like locking down your ssh, creating banners and setting up firewalls etc can be a daunting task for the ones less knowledgeable with linux from the command line, one other thing to note with 1&1 is the way that the partitions are set initially, you will find that you will need to allocate much more drive space to your partitions when first setting up your server by expanding them because they only have 4gb allocated to each partition when you first use it.
i hope this helps anyone who reads it and is thinking of going down the dedicated route for buddypress.I am thinking about writing a basic server hardening tutorial and first steps to take when i have got the time, if anyone would be interested in a tutorial about what steps to take when getting a dedicated server for the first time let me know, i will see what i can do.
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