What should happen is that the user is bounced to wp-login.php
with the “return_to” address set to the page they were trying to reach.
Do you have any other plugins that are managing the login form or handling redirects more generally?
Hi David
Except the template I am using Advark, this template has a modal popup with a login credentials, there is also Wordfence to control security, I have blocked access to /wp-admin.
I suspect the problem is with your modal-based login. Try TwentyNineteen temporarily to see if the issue persists.
It sounds like you may have to disable the BP no access redirect with your theme.
The only cause of an infinite loop are the redirects that you create. You’ll need to look at the redirects you’ve created and see if there are any loops there. I don’t know what WP Rocket does, but if it’s caching things then it may cause things you’ve changed or deleted to continue working Upsers
This is a such an awesome feature .