I’m not sure I understand what you are asking… Do you want to use this for debugging or are you talking about a CAPCHA plugin error message?
no, i would like to put a generic error in the top to the registration page.
If a field is left blank or incorrect, i would come out to the top an error like: “ceck the page the invalid field or uncompiled” ok? How do i?
– Excuse me but why don’t you consider what @vfx_fun has replied ?
Use PoEdit to customize your error messages.. (It’s tricky, but useful..)
– Alternatively, you can change that error message directly.. Use “find and replace” software to help you find which line that need to be changed.. (Some freeware like ‘WinGrep’ for Windows perhaps..)

no, I do not want to use poedit. I want to insert an error message generic top to the registration page.
Example here: http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/register/
if you do not fill in the fields properly get this messsage: “Sorry, there was an error with your registration. Scroll down to see your errors highlighted in red. Once you’ve fixed the problems, please click Complete Sign Up again.”
in BuddyPress default is not there, what code should I enter?
Now you understand?
Yes, now I understand what you’re trying to say.. 
I hope somebody else here in this forum can help you to do this customization..
Just come back to see if there’s any progress on this post..
By the way, @nobodyridesforfree are you sure that put a custom error message on ‘/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/register.php’ is not enough for you? At least temporary, until you find better solution later.. just a thought ..