The recent activity and recent posts just show an excerpt of the full post. Looks like you are embedding media through a plugin. WPMU strips *all* the html and other stuff from the post for the small excerpt. Also many plugins hook the the_content() call which displays the entire post. Then your plugin gets a chance to do it’s video embedding thing. Excerpts don’t call the_content() they call the_excerpt(). Different way of showing post content and not processed by the vid plugin.
I understand that. Now a solution would be to use the get_the_excerpt() maybe instead of the bp function.
I have to work on it to understand how to use it
Depending upon what plugin you are using and where you can embed the shortcodes ([caption id=… [/caption] or [youtube ….. [/youtube]) it may work or not. Some of the plugins only work on full post displays that use the_content(). It all depends on what theme you are using and what kind of page you are looking at.
Is this making sense?
I don’t think I’m being clear.
It is. The only plugin i’m using is the one for buddypress 
By example, the Recent Blog Post is doing it .