PMPRO and Buddypress
Has anyone been successful at blocking buddypress pages until PMPRO email confirmation is complete? I seem to be getting nowhere with PMPRO folks.
I am able to block /groups/, /members/, etc., but I cannot seem to block the sub-pages (e.g. /groups/group-name/). I took the PMPRO email confirmation code and modified it as follows. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Plugin Name: Paid Memberships Pro – Email Confirmation Add On
Plugin URI:
Description: Require email confirmation before certain levels are enabled for members.
Version: .3
Author: Stranger Studios
Author URI:
Sample use case: You have a free level but want people to use a real email address when signing up.
[Deprecated] Set this array to the include the levels which should require email $pmpro_email_confirmation_levels;
$pmpro_email_confirmation_levels = array(6);Use the checkbox on the edit levels page instead.
Add checkbox to edit level page to set if level requires email confirmation.
//show the checkbox on the edit level page
function pmproec_pmpro_membership_level_after_other_settings()
$level_id = intval($_REQUEST[‘edit’]);
if($level_id > 0)
$email_confirmation = get_option(‘pmproec_email_confirmation_’ . $level_id);
$email_confirmation = false;
<h3 class=”topborder”>Email Confirmation</h3>
<tbody class=”form-table”>
<th scope=”row” valign=”top”><label for=”email_confirmation”><?php _e(‘Email Confirmation:’, ‘pmpro’);?></label></th>
<input type=”checkbox” id=”email_confirmation” name=”email_confirmation” value=”1″ <?php checked($email_confirmation, 1);?> />
<label for=”email_confirmation”><?php _e(‘Check this to require email validation for this level.’, ‘pmpro’);?></label>
add_action(‘pmpro_membership_level_after_other_settings’, ‘pmproec_pmpro_membership_level_after_other_settings’);//save email_confirmation setting when the level is saved/added
function pmproec_pmpro_save_membership_level($level_id)
$email_confirmation = intval($_REQUEST[’email_confirmation’]);
$email_confirmation = 0;
delete_option(‘pmproec_email_confirmation_’ . $level_id);
add_option(‘pmproec_email_confirmation_’ . $level_id, $email_confirmation, ”, ‘no’);
add_action(“pmpro_save_membership_level”, “pmproec_pmpro_save_membership_level”);/*
//Check if a level id requires an invite code or should generate one
function pmproec_isEmailConfirmationLevel($level_id)
global $pmpro_email_confirmation_levels;//get value from options
$email_confirmation = get_option(‘pmproec_email_confirmation_’ . $level_id, false);//check option and global var
return (!empty($email_confirmation) || !empty($pmpro_email_confirmation_levels) && in_array($level_id, $pmpro_email_confirmation_levels));
}//generate a key from a user id
function pmproec_getValidationKey($user_id)
$key = md5($user_id . AUTH_KEY . $user_id);
if(strlen($key) > 16)
$key = substr($key, 0, 16);return $key;
Save validation key in user meta after checkout.
function pmproec_pmpro_after_checkout($user_id)
global $pmpro_level;if(pmproec_isEmailConfirmationLevel($pmpro_level->id))
//already validated?
$oldkey = get_user_meta($user_id, “pmpro_email_confirmation_key”, true);
if($oldkey != “validated”)
//nope? give them a key
$key = pmproec_getValidationKey($user_id);
update_user_meta($user_id, “pmpro_email_confirmation_key”, $key);
add_action(“pmpro_after_checkout”, “pmproec_pmpro_after_checkout”);/*
If a user hasn’t validated yet and needs it, don’t give them access.
function pmproec_pmpro_has_membership_access_filter($hasaccess, $mypost, $myuser, $post_membership_levels)
$uri = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];//lock some things for members only
$members_only = array(
“/members-2/”, “/activity/”, “/groups-2/”, “/forums/”, “/welcome-back/”
//if they don’t have access, ignore this
return $hasaccess;//if this isn’t locked by level, ignore this
return $hasaccess;//does this user have a level that requires confirmation?
$user_membership_level = pmpro_getMembershipLevelForUser($myuser->ID);
//if they still have a validation key, they haven’t clicked on the validation link yet
$validation_key = get_user_meta($myuser->ID, “pmpro_email_confirmation_key”, true);if(!empty($validation_key) && $validation_key != “validated”)
$hasaccess = false;
foreach($members_only as $check)
//make sure they are a memberif(preg_match($check, $uri))
return $hasaccess;
add_filter(“pmpro_has_membership_access_filter”, “pmproec_pmpro_has_membership_access_filter”, 10, 4);/*
Add validation lik to confirmation email.
function pmproec_pmpro_email_body($body, $email)
//must be a confirmation email and checkout template
if(!empty($email->data[‘membership_id’]) && pmproec_isEmailConfirmationLevel($email->data[‘membership_id’]) && strpos($email->template, “checkout”) !== false)
//get user
$user = get_user_by(“login”, $email->data[‘user_login’]);$validated = $user->pmpro_email_confirmation_key;
$url = home_url(“?ui=” . $user->ID . “&validate=” . $validated);//need validation?
if(empty($validated) || $validated != “validated”)
//use validation_link substitute?
if(false === stripos($body, “!!validation_link!!”))
$body = “<p>IMPORTANT! You must follow this link to confirm your email address before your membership is fully activated:<br />” . $url . “</p><hr />” . $body;
$body = str_replace(“Your membership account is now active.”, “”, $body);
} else
$body = str_ireplace(“!!validation_link!!”, $url, $body);
}return $body;
add_filter(“pmpro_email_body”, “pmproec_pmpro_email_body”, 10, 2);/*
Process validation links.
function pmproec_init_validate()
if(!empty($_REQUEST[‘validate’]) && !empty($_REQUEST[‘ui’]))
$validate = $_REQUEST[‘validate’];
$ui = $_REQUEST[‘ui’];
$user = get_userdata($ui);
if($validate == $user->pmpro_email_confirmation_key)
update_user_meta($user->ID, “pmpro_email_confirmation_key”, “validated”);do_action(‘pmproec_after_validate_user’, $user->ID, $validate);
add_action(“init”, “pmproec_init_validate”);/*
Update confirmation page to mention validation email if needed.
function pmproec_pmpro_confirmation_message($message)
//must be an email confirmation level
if(!empty($_REQUEST[‘level’]) && pmproec_isEmailConfirmationLevel(intval($_REQUEST[‘level’])))
global $current_user;
if($current_user->pmpro_email_confirmation_key != “validated”)
$message = str_replace(“is now active”, “will be activated as soon as you confirm your email address. Important! You must click on the confirmation URL sent to ” . $current_user->user_email . ” before you gain full access to your membership“, $message);
}return $message;
add_filter(“pmpro_confirmation_message”, “pmproec_pmpro_confirmation_message”);/*
Function to add links to the plugin row meta
function pmproec_plugin_row_meta($links, $file) {
if(strpos($file, ‘pmpro-email-confirmation.php’) !== false)
$new_links = array(
‘‘ . __( ‘Support’, ‘pmpro’ ) . ‘‘,
$links = array_merge($links, $new_links);
return $links;
add_filter(‘plugin_row_meta’, ‘pmproec_plugin_row_meta’, 10, 2);/**
* Add link to the user action links to validate a user
* Use the pmproec_validate_user_cap filter to change the capability required to see this.
function pmproec_user_row_actions($actions, $user) {
$cap = apply_filters(‘pmproec_validate_user_cap’, ‘edit_users’);
//check if they still have a validation key
$validation_key = get_user_meta($user->ID, “pmpro_email_confirmation_key”, true);
if(!empty($validation_key) && $validation_key != “validated”)
$url = admin_url(“users.php?pmproecvalidate=” . $user->ID);
$url .= “&s=” . esc_attr($_REQUEST[‘s’]);
$url .= “&paged=” . intval($_REQUEST[‘paged’]);
$url = wp_nonce_url($url, ‘pmproecvalidate_’ . $user->ID);
$actions[] = ‘Validate User‘;
$actions[] = ‘Validated’;
}return $actions;
add_filter(‘user_row_actions’, ‘pmproec_user_row_actions’, 10, 2);
add_filter(‘pmpro_memberslist_user_row_actions’, ‘pmproec_user_row_actions’, 10, 2);/**
* Manually validate a user. Runs on admin init. Checks for pmproecvalidate and nonce and validates that user.
function pmproec_validate_user()
global $pmproec_msg, $pmproec_msgt;//get user id
$user_id = intval($_REQUEST[‘pmproecvalidate’]);
$user = get_userdata($user_id);//no user?
//user not found error
$pmproec_msg = ‘Could not reset sessions. User not found.’;
$pmproec_msgt = ‘error’;
//check nonce
check_admin_referer( ‘pmproecvalidate_’.$user_id);//check caps
$cap = apply_filters(‘pmproec_validate_user_cap’, ‘edit_users’);
//show error message
$pmproec_msg = ‘You do not have permission to validate users.’;
$pmproec_msgt = ‘error’;
update_user_meta($user_id, “pmpro_email_confirmation_key”, “validated”);//show success message
$pmproec_msg = $user->user_email . ‘ has been validated.’;
$pmproec_msgt = ‘updated’;
add_action(‘admin_init’, ‘pmproec_validate_user’);/**
* Show any messages generated by PMPro Email Confirmations
function pmproec_admin_notices()
global $pmproec_msg, $pmproec_msgt;
echo “<div class=\”$pmproec_msgt\”><p>$pmproec_msg</p></div>”;
add_action(‘admin_notices’, ‘pmproec_admin_notices’);
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