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Porting Custom made forum to wordpress BuddyPress

  • debugger777


    I am porting custom made forum to buddypress.
    Here is my code in an external file inside wordpress install directory more
    // Include wordpress main index file,we get access to “all wp-function(not tested)” in our external file.
    define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false); // Do not show themes
    header(“HTTP/1.1 200 OK”); //Sometimes error occurs,so to fix we set headers

    echo ‘Testing buddypress function…
    $defaults = array(
    ‘topic_title’ => ‘When did your baby smile for the first time ?’,
    ‘topic_slug’ => ”,
    ‘topic_text’ => ”,
    ‘topic_poster’ => 1706, // accepts ids
    ‘topic_poster_name’ => ‘Will James ‘, // accept names
    ‘topic_last_poster’ => 1706, // accepts ids
    ‘topic_last_poster_name’ => ”, // accept names
    ‘topic_start_time’ => bp_core_current_time(),
    ‘topic_time’ => bp_core_current_time(),
    ‘topic_open’ => 1,
    ‘topic_tags’ => false, // accepts array or comma delim
    ‘forum_id’ => 2 // accepts ids or slugs

    $ret_value = bp_forums_new_topic($defaults);

    echo ‘This is what we got from this function—->’.$ret_value.’
    ‘; // This output nothing
    echo ‘This is wordpress mysql last insert id—>’.$wpdb->insert_id; //This only output 0(zero)
    I want the topic insert id so i can feed answers for the topic. The function buddypress function “bp_forums_new_topic ” works perfect.

    Can you figure out a way as how to get the topic last id or am i missing something out ?

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  • If you’re moving forum content, you probably want to be migrating to bbPress rather than BuddyPress. Check it out, especially its importers — it should give an idea of the appropriate APIs to use.

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