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Possible Bug: Entering Zero Textbox triggers validation error

  • @michaeltransmissions


    When I try to enter the value 0 (i.e. zero) in a required Extended Profile textbox and click save, the validation message ‘Please make sure you fill in all required fields in this profile field group before saving.’ appears. When I enter the value 00, it the validation message does not appear, and it lets me save the information. This was true also if I changed the type of field to be numeric, as well.

    I noticed something similar when setting up a dropdown type Extended Profile field: I wanted the dropdown options to be numeric – between zero and ten, so that they could rate something, but when I had used single digit values, it would give me a validation error when I entered 0 as an option, saying ‘This field type require at least one option. Please add options below.’. When I entered 00 as the option, it save without a problem.

    Entering single non-zero digit values for either the textbox or a dropdown option were fine.

    I think this is likely bug in BP. Can anyone provide assistance?

    Thanks in advance,

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