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Post Approval / Hierarchy / User Group / Members

  • andresteiner


    Can anyone tell me the solution to a project with approval of posts in BuddyPress with hierarchy system?

      > Manager
          > Course
             > Teacher
                > Class
                    > Student – Type # 1
                    > Student – Type # 2

    The level (type # 1 or type # 2) for each enrolled student will be set according to the selection of the registration form.

    For example, if the user has selected the option “I am a student and I want to select my University”, the permissions rules must follow the selected University / Course / Class definitions. This student may have several teachers as “responsible” for the approval of their submitted news.

    The news will be sent by the students and approved by the teacher through a Front End form.

    There is a solution (Social Articles for BP) but news management is restricted to the Administrator only.

    Thank you very much for your attention 🙂

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