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Post Group Update Directly In Activity Stream Page

  • @ljmac



    I want to set up an activity stream page which will be the only public interface to a group, so I want people to be able to post updates to that group from the activity stream.

    I know BP has a dropdown under the activity post form allowing you to select a group, but I want it to be idiot-proof, so I need the form to post directly to the group, and ONLY to that group.

    How can I modify the activity form template to achieve this?

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  • @danbp


    > I want to set up an activity stream page which will be the only public interface to a group

    Each group has is own activity stream.

    Activity Streams

    > I want people to be able to post updates to that group from the activity stream

    Each group member has access to the group update. (what’s new form)

    That’s default behave for any group / group member !

    I don’t really understand your question. Do you mean perhaps the site activity page ?

    – How many groups do you have ?
    – Can members access to only one group or have they the ability to subscribe to more ?



    OKay, I guess I need to explain more about my situation.

    I have only one group which is completely hidden from users on the front end. I set it up because I needed a way of separating activity posted to this group from the rest of the activity stream. However, I don’t want my members to have to grapple with the group interface – I will add the posters I want to use it, and from their point of view, I want it to be just like posting any other activity on the site activity page. So for this purpose, I want to set up a site activity page where the activity stream is restricted to posts from this group only. I want the posting form in this activity stream page to post directly to the group.

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