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Post Registration message hidden

  • @vicksterm


    After I click the Register button on the registration page, the text about “Check Your Email to Activate Your Account” does not display. It is hidden with an element style “display:none;”. I can’t figure out why that is there or how to remove/change it. The activation email is sent so the registration is working. It’s just that the text is hidden. I did change the slug for the register page via WP admin, but according to the codex that’s the way to do it. Any ideas for how to get the text back? Here’s the source code, along with some around it:

    <div id="main" class="clearfix " style="">
    	<div class="fusion-row" style="">
    		<div id="content" class="" style="float: left;">
    			<div id="post-0" class="bp_register type-bp_register post-0 page type-page status-publish hentry">
    				<span class="entry-title" style="display: none;">Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!</span>
    				<span class="vcard" style="display: none;">
    				<span class="fn"></span>
    				<span class="updated" style="display:none;">2016-06-21T19:03:57+00:00</span>
    				<h3 class="entry-title">Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!</h3>
    		<div class="post-content">				
    		<div id="buddypress">
    		<div class="page" id="register-page">
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  • @binary10


    Might be a theme problem? Try if it works with WP default theme or use this CSS .entry-title{display:block !important}



    I haven’t completely solved the mystery but I was able to display the h3 tag with display:block so at least the page isn’t empty and the message is clear. Thanks for your help.

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