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  • @twwebbie


    I am urgently looking for a snippet to prevent subscribers from viewing BuddyPress pages with a message. I hope someone can help me 🙂

    I tried various plugins, but it does not restrict the BuddyPress pages.

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  • @vapvarun




    Thanks so much for your reply.

    Thing is the client does not use Paid Memberships Pro and it seems it can’t be used as a standalone. So they don’t use payments on the site (I wish they did) and auto registration is turned off. I think the paid version of BuddyPress Members Pro will do the trick, but client is not forking out more money because of the rand/dollar exchange so that is a no go. So I was hoping for a code snippet.

    I found code that would block by username – but I can’t do it like that. Users gets updated from a daily import, and those who did not pay expires, but shouldn’t be removed. To automate that I thought subscriber could block them from using the rest of the site, but nothing blocks it on BuddyPress pages.

    Something else I’ve done before was to make use of the “Spam” function – I translated it to Expired – that way it was easy for some admins to just quickly expire a member and also to unexpire them – but in this case it checks against a daily import and I need to automate it.

    If at all there were a way to import users with a certain role for example, as a “spammer” which then would translate to expired, that would be great too.

    So I am fishing for ideas … hoping someone has something for me.

    Thanks again for your input.

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