Did you resolve this problem? I’m having the same issue!
No, I’m waiting for some advice
When you don’t see a button, first thing to do is to ensure you see it when you use WP+BP+Twenty theme
When the base trio works, you activate your theme and you check again. If it is wrong, you know it is your theme (and not WP or BP or Twenty theme).
If you have plugins, you test’em the same way.
For what is related here, it is a CSS issue, related to your theme… You probably have to adjust the div height containing the form.
The Update form used for Site, Members and Group activities is in
In this file you can see the div’s name, class, ID. Search for them in your theme style.css.
DEpendingwhat you find or not, you declare (or redeclare the css) in your child theme. Note also that the update is handled by Javascript. This means in particular that you need absolutely to use same div id and classes to get it to work. If your theme is too customized and is changing that, you have to find the difference and adjust it/them eventually.
Of course this adjustment vary from one theme to another and it is quite impossible to give you more guidance on how to handle that.
9 years, 1 month ago
Hello to my site does not display BuddyPress ol post update button, displays only the form to write, insert photos or videos but then you can not post because it does not display the button send comments or post update http://star2games.com