You are running on windows right? Just a guess. Before installing bp you need to get mu running properly. It’s a pain on windows. What package are you using? WAMP?
To get your subdomains to work you have to edit the ‘hosts’ file in windows for *each* blog you want to have running on your windows box. The hosts file is in:
Windows 95/98/Me c:windowshosts
Windows NT/2000/XP Pro c:winntsystem32driversetchosts
Windows XP and Vista c:windowssystem32driversetchosts
Once you find it you have to create a line for each blog so:
That’s a sample from my laptop which I use to play with new things in mu, buddypress and bbpress. This is only the beginning of your problems on windows. I know I went thru *all* of them.
However, for now, you should replace the domain name with your chosen domain name. Replace the subdomain name with any blog subdomain name you’ve chosen. ‘trial’ in your case.
Try reading up on what it takes to install mu. Then what it takes to install mu on windows. Google finds lots of things related to mu. Here’s a start:
You also need to follow the directions in the mu readme.txt file as it relates to apache.
Thanks for ur reply
but I am using in LINUX (ubuntu) and XAMPP
Sorry, got excited when I thought I had found a fellow sufferer.
If your box doesn’t have access to a dns name server you’ll still have to edit your /etc/hosts file probably just like windows. Or install mu with the subdirectory option.
sorry i can’t get you please give a clear explanation on how to edit /etc/hosts file
i tried this
in /etc/hosts file following things where displayed initially localhost deek-ubuntu
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
then i inserted two lines
“ trial.”
in that file
after that it appears like localhost trial. deek-ubuntu
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
still http://trial. is not displayed “Address not found is displayed” help !!!
I suggest you reinstall your WPMU, install it in a domain, not subdirectory.
Before installing, you need to prepare a domain and a directory to be used as the document root of the domain.
1. Map your domain to the local IP in the hosts file.
For example:
2. Then you need to configure virtual host in your XAMPP installation. This way, XAMPP will use a specific directory to be used as the document root. Edit your apache configuration file. Usually it’s located inside your XAMPP installation (/opt/lampp). Add and use your WPMU installation directory as the docroot for
3. Restart your Apache, and make sure XAMPP display the content of your WPMU directory when you visit in via your browser. When it’s OK, you can start installing WPMU.
That you ‘toriq’ from #buddypress? Howdy.
ya i reinstalled and followed the steps carefully during installation now i can create new blog thanks for ur reply friend…
Now how can i create a new user account in local host??
Howdy, Burt. Yes, it’s me, 
Just create it. I think you also need to enable the apache mod_rewrite module, CMIIW.
In your case without a dns name server, you need to add new lines in your hosts file whenever you add new blogs in subdomain.
After i filled the registration form to signup as new user it says that “password is mailed to my ID(gmail ID)” but how can it be possible since i have installed WPMU and BP locally. whether any other way to get a new user account
Ya i solved that new user problem too
Having fun yet dkbuddy? mu just isn’t designed to operate on anything less than a real host with all the trimmings. Lots of little gotchas involved with anything less than that. It is possible but not pleasant.