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Problem with blog post image alignment

  • @pete-hudson


    Hi guys. We just recently started having an issue with our blog post image formatting on our BP feed. Up until the last week, when we published a blog post, it would show up on the BP feed and the post image would be nicely aligned top left.

    Now when we publish a blog post, the formatting on the BP feed is a little jacked up with the image being centered. Attached is an image of 2 posts with the exact same content – the top image shows the post formatting as how it’s always been (image aligned left) and the bottom shot shows what we are getting now (image centered).

    We haven’t made any changes to the site in the last week other than the most recent WordPress maintenance upgrade.

    Any ideas on what could be causing this or how to fix it?

    Any help would be appreciated.



    BP blog post image issue

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  • @henrywright


    Do you have a link to your site showing a live example?



    Hi Henry. Here’s a link and login info:

    Become A Member

    UN: TestU
    PW: Testpw2015

    We appreciate you taking a look.




    In your source, it seems your images are now appearing after the text. For example:

    Martin is a university professor who has a side consulting business in which he helps Fortune 500 companies comply with diversity laws.&nbsp; Most of his clients seek him out because they are being sued for  […]
    <img src="">

    Before things broke, my guess is you had the images appearing before the text:

    <img src="">
    Martin is a university professor who has a side consulting business in which he helps Fortune 500 companies comply with diversity laws.&nbsp; Most of his clients seek him out because they are being sued for  […]

    The best way to tackle this is to find out exactly what’s changed this.



    The only change that’s been made recently is the WordPress 4.2.3 upgrade.

    Any suggestions for finding the source of the problem?

    Or are there any options as far as making code tweaks to CSS (or any other files) that can switch the order?




    How are you adding the image to the activity stream? Are you using something like bp_activity_excerpt_append_text?



    I’m not sure. I was thinking it came out of the box like that. Those are not featured post images, but images that are embedded at the very beginning of posts.

    Any recommended links for getting that figured out?




    Did this start after the BP 2.3 release on June 3(ish) ? – I saw a note saying this release included

    “Improved Handling of Blog Media in Activity Stream.

    BuddyPress now generates better excerpts in the activity streams for blog posts containing images or other embedded media content.”

    However I am not sure if there is any documentation / additional info about this – just a blurb on the release notes on the bp dot org / blog is all I have found so far.



    It started with a post on July 20th and we had posts that we’re fine after the BP 2.3 release.

    We have a post from earlier this morning that is formatted as it should be, but I just published another post and the image is center aligned again.

    I’m at a loss for what’s causing it.



    Those are not featured post images, but images that are embedded at the very beginning of posts.

    I can see that the problem doesn’t exist when you navigate to the post. The image is nicely floated left and comes before the text in the source. BuddyPress seems to be changing the order of the image and text when it comes to the activity stream display. I’m not so sure that’s a good thing.

    You could open a Trac ticket for this requesting that the order of text and images remain the same as they were input in the post form?



    I opened a ticket at

    Per @hnla “It’s due to recent changes to how media is handled in BP activity streams, the problem is the removal of image attr such as class tokens and the image name references the WP image size.”

    For some reason, I’m not able to comment on the ticket.

    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Is it going to be fixed on an upgrade?



    Has there been a solution to this? As I am also now struggling with this.



    I have the same problem with 4.6 and bp 2.6.2. Have someone solution?



    @jendam As of #6573, you’ll need to add custom CSS to tweak the appearance.

    The ticket is closed as invalid.

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