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problem with BuddyMobile plugin

  • brashell61


    I love the plugin but there are some issues that need to be fixed. #1: The activity button is cut off when viewed on an iPhone 4 you cant see the A of the Activity completely #2: you cant upload a photo from your phone using the BuddyPress Album+ plugin that it said would work, the only way you can upload a photo is if you type in upload at the end of the url, then theres no problem. but there need to be a button and i cant seem to figure out how to fix it. @modemlooper if you read this plz fix it and send me a copy. It will only take an hour or so of your time more than likely. if anyone else can figure how to fix it mail me a copy plz

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  • modemlooper


    Don’t be presumptuous on how long coding takes. ;)

    Are you referring to the activity link in the menu drop down ?

    I’ll add support for album +. I removed the button before iOS6 but now uploads work



    @modemlooper lol i do objective-c but no php, yet ;) i know how long it takes for objective-c and its long. I heard that php was easier. Apparently not LOL. I have a couple things I would like to ask you. 1. Can you make it so they can add friends because there is no button to do it from the friend area and i dont want them to be sent to another page, also create and join/search for a group, make it so all the activity streams have the option to be viewed all at once, and i removed the top bar at the top that send them to the home page and the link to view desktop version. How can i remove the margins that are left behind i cant find it. Again i am taking hits and misses here trying to figure it out. I know it will take you a while to do the above but i would greatly appreciate if you could do it and send it to me when u can, my boss isn’t very nice and i cant figure out how to work php, but i am in the middle of integrating your plugin with push notifications. If you can do this asap tht would be great feel free to send me a beta version to test out i would be more than happy to do so. Feel free to email @ oh and btw it was the them i was using i switched to the standard buddypress theme and now the activity button is fine.



    Sorry, can’t do your work for you. If you edit the plugin. You are on your own.



    how would i go about adding friends?



    @modemlooper I wanted to let you know about 2 bugs with the plugin 1: you can’t crop avatar photos after you upload them and 2: for some reason the @mentions aren’t working and then I was wondering which file I need to go into in order to add a log out button on the bar where it’s says activity, friend, etc. thanks btw I am only 14 but my dad is still technically my boss, can’t tell the difference though LOL



    Cropper wont work until WP 3.5



    @modemlooper which file contains the menu so i can add the log out option, and how could I make it so that all of the users activity feeds are in one area like the friend, group, personal, and mentions are all displayed at the same time in one feed

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