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Problemi con la registrazione di utenti

  • @funkman733


    Hello everyone, in my installation of WordPress Multisite,

    I’m creating a site with social features using BuddyPress, bbPress, the theme SweetDate, Elementor, Slider Revolution and to manage WP membership Ultimate Membership Pro. I set everything, and everything seemed to be fine . Until yesterday everything is ok. I have customized the login and registration forms of the theme user with those of Ulimate Membership Pro. I have disabled the function of BuddyPress for user registration from the preset module of BP.

    Yesterday evening everything was OK, I was able to make user registrations and buy memberships. This morning I tried to register a user, but nothing happens … I reset the form of the theme, and by clicking on the registration key the user is redirected to a page [site_name] / register / that does not exist, reporting the error message 404. I have created the page “register”, and of course the page is white.

    I assigned BuddyPress the “register” page as a registration page, and now the user is redirected to the “register” page but remains white with the scroll wheel running at infinity. I tried to register from other subsites and everything works fine, even accessing it through [site_name] / wp-signup. I tried the same link on the site in question and nothing, white page with wheel that runs endlessly…

    Do you know what you can depend on and how you can solve?

    edited re line breaks and language – hoefully Google translate did not mangle the OP

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  • @shanebp


    You describe a complicated installation.
    It will be difficult for anyone to help unless they’ve seen that exact issue before, but…

    Have you tried the basic debugging steps?
    Check your browser javascript console for errors.
    Check your error logs – turn on WP Debug.

    Try turning off other plugins.
    Try switching to a WP theme like 2016.



    So, I have changed the theme and the registration form work fine now, but server CPU resurces goes up to 99% and the network come very slow…

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