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Profile fields for locations within a country

  • @kris35


    Hi. In extended profiles, I can’t see a way to add (say) states to America and counties to the UK. I have added a drop down box for countries but is there a way in which a new registration when they clcik on their country, another option appears for them to select their region within the country they live in?



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  • @1a-spielwiese


    Yes, there should be a way, but I was not able to follow the instructions / to realise that way.

    The basic idea is:

    • Create two (or more) new WordPress user roles, e.g.: Users-UK and Users-USA.
    • Then you can assign one xProfile-field, ‘In which [federal] state do you live?’, exclusively to your users with the user role Users-USA; and another x-Profile, ‘In which county do you live?’, to your users with the user role Users-UK.

    The instructions for that solution you find there:

    (The user roles there are ‘bands’ and ‘fans’).

    And my report about my attempt to apply that instructions you find there:

    My user roles are (sport) ‘teams’ and ‘fans’.

    But unfortunately, I was not able to hinder, that ‘fans’ get displayed the questions (xProfile-fields) for ‘teams’ was well; and the ‘teams’ the questions for ‘fans’…

    Further problem:

    Even if there is a solution regarding later profile edits – even complicate seems to be, to make already the registration page “input senstive”, because during registration the new user isn’t yet registered (i.e.: has no user role yet).

    Cfr. there: (section 4. – unfortunately in German).



    A less elegant, but working solution regarding locations within states you can find on my registration page (section: ‘Profile Details – Teil III: Geographisches’):

    You can ask at first:

    • In which state (USA or UK?) do you live?
    • and then:

    • In which US-federal state respec. in which UK-county to you live?
    • and finally you can introduce the names of the federal states of the USA with ‘US-‘ and the names of the counties of the United Kingdom with ‘UK-‘.

    (You can ask this questions within the ‘base group’ of your xProfile fields – then they get displayed on your registration page automatically. Or you can make your further xProfile fields displayed on your registration page as well: [section 2nd].)



    Hi @1a-spielwiese,

    Thanks for this. I had a look on your registration page where you have a few countries for members to select, but when I choose one, the same dropdown menu appears. Im not using any plugin at the moment – just the extended profiles in the components of Buddypress at the top of the list which includes checkboxes for activity streams, friend connections etc. I don’t want to use a plugin that hasn’t been updated in two years either.

    If I go to Users>Profile fields, this is where I was hoping to do this but the only way I can see to do it is to add, UK, then a list of counties. USA and then a list of states, and so on which would mean I would have a list a mile high of all the different countries and local areas.

    Am I missing something?

    Thanks a bunch,




    I had a look on your registration page where you have a few countries for members to select, but when I choose one, the same dropdown menu appears.

    Yes, a better solution I do not have for the moment.

    the only way I can see to do it is to add, UK, then a list of counties. USA and then a list of states, and so on which would mean I would have a list a mile high of all the different countries and local areas.

    Yes – if you do not trust in the old plugins, which @noizeburger recommands:

    or trust in them, but find (like me) no way, to make them working as they should.



    I would have thought this was something that would be really popular for a Buddypress site because finding people in certain areas is what a lot of social networks need. Im going to have a look at some BP sites and see what they are doing. There must be something for this surely – although seems not as am sure you ahve searched for yourself. Maybe need to get someone to code it for me. Thanks again, you put a lot of effort into trying to help me.

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