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Profile header image size

  • @kellyok



    I have limited knowledge of code, I will however do my best to follow.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I am currently trying to upload a profile header and keep getting this error message:

    “For better results, make sure to upload an image that is larger than 0px wide, and 225px tall”

    where and how can i change the profile header image sizes? do I need to edit the code and if so, where will i find it?

    also, the error message above, can i change these to my own words and where will i find that?

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  • @modemlooper


    You can find this information in the codex



    Thanks for the reply, I have however looked and read over that so many times and still don’t have a clue?

    Basically When I upload a profile image from a users point of view, I don’t get any prompts on the image dimensions i need to upload.
    Change Profile Photo

    1.I click on change Profile picture. The Message reads: Change Profile Photo –
    Your profile photo will be used on your profile and throughout the site. If there is a Gravatar associated with your account email we will use that, or you can upload an image from your computer.

    My issue here is that this message doesn’t give the user the image dimensions that should be uploaded?

    2. Select File to upload.

    My issue on uploading a file that isn’t the correct size, I get this error message: desert.jpg exceeds the maximum upload size for this site.

    (again, no prompt to tell the user what image size they should be uploading.)

    when the user does find an image, they are able to crop, which is all great.

    3. The cover picture

    I am welcomed with this message:
    Your Cover Image will be used to customize the header of your profile.
    followed by:
    For better results, make sure to upload an image that is larger than 0px wide, and 225px tall.

    I would like to change this to tell them exactly what file size they should be using. also is there a crop feature for the cover photo?

    How can I edit the text mentioned above so that i can change them?. I have limited knowledge, so instructions on where to find the exact files would be of great help along with the dimensions that I need my users to use when uploading pictures.

    Thanks in advance for your help, I very much appreciate it.

    Regards kelly



    People try to upload very large images all the time. There are limits.

    read here about increasing limits




    But unfortunately this does not give me an answer to any questions I have with regards to the above it just sends me to a bunch of custom code that i can add. That’s not what I am asking.

    can anyone break this down so i can understand it a little better.

    1. cover photo –

    a.where can I change the file sizes and where will i find this folder ( the link just had code for the avatar and not the cover photo)

    b.I would like to add some text prompting the user to use to add the correct image sizes for the Alternate Forum template photo and profile image from the get go.

    c. is there a crop feature for the cover photo, like there is for the over photo.

    I don;t have a deal of coding knowledge and asking for some help on where and how i should do this.





    no setting in BuddyPress you have to add custom code

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