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Profile Links

  • @albertplawinski


    I am using Parallelus’s Salutations theme.

    I am trying to create a menu that links to my groups, home page, members etc. That’s working fine. The issues arise when I try creating a link to the profile page.

    It’s not displaying even when I wrap it in code but its displaying the echo bp logged in user domain
    Many posts online show that this is how it’s done. I’ve tried many variations that link to the edit post, but all I get is a 404 error and a lot of letters and numbers that mean nothing in the URL.

    Any solution?

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  • @fpats


    I think i’m trying to do the same, do you mean adding a menu link so the user can visit their own profile?

    I’m really shocked this is so difficult, it’s surely one of the most important things in setting up a social network.





    Thanks alot for that, it works well but it’s totally messed up the font colours now and the menu items are unreadable.

    Would love for something to work straight out of the box just once.



    Plugin doesnt edit css or styling. Your theme may not utilize wp menus correctly



    | Would love for something to work straight out of the box just once.

    Yep it’s annoying all this free stuff and it doesn’t work staright out of the box 😉



    So because something is free it’s ok that it doesn’t work?
    And I spend enough money on themes & plugins to have a moan now and then 🙂



    What doesn’t work? Sometimes one has to apply a little effort to get things to work , and I am not implying in any way you do not.


    You may moan but where stuff is free, it has little meaning 🙂



    No it works now and works great, sometimes the free ones are the best 😀



    Hi folks,

    my BP pages, like groups,members,activity… have been attached as child pages to a parent page.

    Detaching them and made them NOT to have a parent, solves the problem for me.

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