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Profile photo and list/grid view problems

  • alexbosch



    I found two problems using the last version of buddypress. The first one is that when I upload the photo of a profile or a group, I only see a black dot where it has to be the option to resize or cut the photo before pressing the button to update the photo. If I move the cursor above de black dot, it changes like when you have the option to resize and select just a part of the image, but obviously, with a little spot like that, you can’t do anything right and the photo that appears on the profile or group appears cutted or strangely resized…

    The other bug I found is on friends and groups tabs. It appears like you have two possible displays for these ones: grid or list, but when I click on the buttons they do nothing… and searching on the code, they appear as they have no code at all.

    How can we solve that?

    Thank you in advance.

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