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Profile Syncing?

  • @rashell


    I have a single WP 2.9.2 using the Atahualpa 3.4.6 template and BP 1.2.3 install and would like to gain a better understanding of how profile syncing is supposed to work.

    First I noticed that members can log in, add a local avatar & it is used in the activity stream but not when they comment on a post. If they use gravatar they are fine.

    Next I had previously used a plugin, which allowed users to add additional profile information. I cannot seem to figure out how to smoothly & automatically move that information into the BP extended profile.

    Or how to take information from the extended profile form and use it within a post contributed by the member to create an “about the author” style box?.

    Lastly, WP creates an author page, which lists posts contributed on a member by member basis. This is another thing I can’t seem to figure out how to synch to BP profile. New posts are added to the member’s activity stream but not the member profile.

    Thanks much,


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  • @djpaul


    The BP profile sync only does the following: sets ‘nickname’, ‘first_name’, ‘last_name’ usermeta information. It also updates the user’s ‘display_name’ to the user’s name in their BP profile, and sets their ‘user_url’ to point to their BP profile page.




    Thank you so much. Some of the plugins I’ve installed have needed a bit of tweaking to work correctly so I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something obvious.

    I wonder why they opted not to integrate the complete user profile for the single WP installs. Anyway I figured out a work around. It’s not quite as elegant as I would have liked but it gets the job done.

    Thanks much,




    If you have a suggestion for what further data could be syncd to the WordPress profile, submit an enhancement ticket to

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