Is there a separate table that the settings reads from? Don’t get why it doesn’t load the database values.
xprofile use 4 tables: _xprofile_data, _wprofile_fields, _xprofile_groups and _xprofile_meta
But your description is unclear. Which settings are you talking about ? The one on dashboard or the one on profile, on front-end ?
Can you give an example of your profile settings and tell what do you think is missing in regard of the DB content.
When i go to the admin settings BP Profile Tabs. I thought that is where you go to define the extra tab content. It has been quit a while ago since i originally created my tabs but i thought that was where i did it. when i go there i see a choice for jQuery UI Theme, CDN anc custom jQuery UI theme. it shows an example of what extra tabs would look like but no button for adding a tab. is that not where the tabs are created?
Hi @davidself1001,
i think BP Profile Tabs is a plugin to create “nice looking tabs using the jQuery UI”, it is not the xprofile component !
xprofile fileds and field groups (the tabs) management is located at
dashboard > users > profile fields. What you see on that screen is normally what you have in the DB.
Once you created fields and field groups in xprofile, you will see the group tabs in the plugin.
There it is. Thank you for the feedback. It is hard to remember all this stuff when you have lots of plugins.